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Dungeons & Dragons: Explorer`s Guide To Wildemount - Inglês

Dungeons & Dragons: Explorer`s Guide To Wildemount - Inglês

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Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount provides everything you need to play Dungeons & Dragons on the continent of Wildemount (set within the world of Exandria)—a land of war, betrayal, and swashbuckling adventure.
Comprised of four regions, Wildemount provides endless potential for adventure in a land of brewing conflict and incredible magic. Rising tensions boil over into all-out war between the politically dubious Dwendalian Empire and the light-worshiping wastefolk of Xhorhas, supplying a vibrant backdrop for any D&D campaign to explore.
Editora: Galápagos
Idioma: Inglês

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  • Editora: Galápagos

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